Dental Implants – What are they?
There are people who prefer dental implants over dentures because they look more natural. Implants, like dentures, are substitutes for damaged permanent teeth. They provide a sturdy foundation for fixed or detachable substitute teeth. They are made to mimic your natural teeth and blend well with the rest of your natural teeth.
Advantages of Implants
Implants are made to fuse with your bone, and that makes them permanent. You will feel as if you still have your natural teeth. They also look more natural than dentures.
Poor-fitting dentures can affect the manner in which you speak. Your dentures might slip and make your words slurry. You might experience difficulty in talking. Such occurrence will never happen if you have dental implants. They stay in place and won’t slip.
You will feel comfortable wearing an implant than a denture. The implant will definitely feel like they are your own set of teeth. You will be able to eat like you used to, and without any worries that your teeth might fall off.
Implants are more convenient and durable than dentures. You can brush your teeth as if you are brushing your natural teeth.
You will definitely smile with confidence. Show them your beaming pearly whites.
The Success Rate
In general, more people are satisfied with their implants than dentures. However, there are rare cases where implants are considered as failure by the wearer. The fault could be due to the failure of the dentist to provide proper instruction to the patient or because of the patient’s negligence.
If the dentist gave after-care instructions, then make sure to follow them to the dot. He did not give the instructions for lack of better things to say, he gave them because they are important. The favorable results, which you want to see, depend on your ability to follow the instructions.
Your dental implants can last a lifetime if you will care for it and give it enough attention. A Santa Rosa Dentist to consult about this subject is Hammer and Bonin.

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