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What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a condition characterized by a ringing sound in the ear that could be persistent or episodic. Usually, tinnitus is a symptom of something else although more often than not it is not so serious. The reason behind the ringing or the distracting sounds in the ear is the electrical impulses sent mistakenly by your ear cells to your brain. This means that the inner ear cells are somewhat damaged and are thus unable to control the impulses they send. These impulses reach the brain and are the sounds that one keeps hearing. If the ear cells are fine, then you may have a problem with the hearing part of your brain for whatever reason. The thing about this condition is that it is often near impossible to pinpoint the exact cause. 

There are very many possible causes of the tinnitus including simple inner ear damage and there are many
natural tinnitus hearing remedies too. There are however a number of things that are more likely to cause the ringing in your ears and they include;

-Prolonged or sudden exposure to loud noise

-Accumulated earwax


-Hereditary abnormalities in your ear bone

-Chronic health conditions like acoustic neuroma, tumors in your head or neck and hypertension among others

-Medication like some antibiotics, cancer drugs and aspirin, just to name a few.

In most cases, these causes imply that you cannot avoid tinnitus unless it is the result of exposure to loud noises or accumulation of earwax. However, the good news is that you can manage the condition effectively by understanding what it is really about. 

Understanding Tinnitus

It occurs when sound gets to your brain through the nerves that are usually situated on the tiny hairs found on your inner ear cells. These hairs send electrical impulses for the brain to interpret into sound and when these hairs are not in good condition, they are likely to leak electrical impulses, which your brain will interpret like sounds that are mostly phantom in nature. The ringing in ears in this case could be anything from clicking, hissing or even buzzing depending on the type of electrical impulses your brain is receiving. 

In order to deal with this condition, you may consider establishing the possible causes. This means looking at the risk factor to ascertain where the underlying problem could really be. If you are on medication that can cause tinnitus, you may want to speak to your doctor about changing your prescription. Antibiotics, cancer medication and aspirins are often the main culprits in such cases although there could be others. Always ask about the possible side effects of the medication you are given by your doctor or pharmacist. It is actually the best way to avoid any harmful side effects. 

If you have an underlying health condition that may be affecting your hearing mechanisms, then treating them may be a good option. The challenge is in identifying the condition. In most cases, you will require a number of tests to discover what the problem really is. Other times, removing the earwax is a reasonable to start and may even make you feel better immediately. Â