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Six Simple Steps To Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

It is undeniable that having sensitive teeth can cause significant discomfort. The good news is this condition can be treated. Depending on the root cause of your tooth sensitivity, your treatment can be as simple as using desensitizing toothpastes, or more specific as applying tooth fillings. What is more, adopting good oral hygiene practices, and applying them every day, can significantly preserve your pearly whites for the long term. Here are six ways you can reduce your tooth sensitivity.

1. Clean your teeth regularly.

This step includes flossing and rinsing as well. These two steps are often neglected when it comes to dental hygiene. Flossing removes food particles trapped between spaces that cannot be reached by your toothbrush. When done regularly, you lower the risk of tooth decay due to plaque buildup. In the same way, rinsing with quality mouthwashes prohibits bacterial growth, keeping your mouth clean, and your breath fresh. Cleaning your teeth regularly means doing so at least three times a day.

2. Shift to soft-bristled brushes and apply gentle strokes.

Most people think that aggressive brushing most likely leads to cleaner teeth. Unfortunately, aside from food traces, enamel is also removed when you brush your teeth aggressively. Furthermore, there is a high risk of distorting gum tissues that protect your teethâs roots. Being mindful of your brushing is beneficial for your gums and teeth in the end. Using soft-bristled brushes, and applying gentle strokes particularly around the gum line, preserves your enamel and gum tissue.

3. Use special toothpastes and products suitable for sensitive teeth.

Products with a milder pH prohibit further degradation of your enamel. Desensitizing toothpastes act as micro fillers for areas where your roots are exposed. As a result, you are able to enjoy hot soups and cold desserts with frequent use. Take note that you should not choose tartar control products because they are more acidic.

4. Be mindful of what you eat.

Certain foods are highly acidic, and may cause further damage to your teeth. Some of these are tomatoes, citrus fruits and juices, wine, and sodas. A great tip is to eat fatty foods like a slice of cheese, or to drink a glass of milk to cut the acidic reaction of highly acidic foods. When consuming wine or soda, always have it with a meal to reduce contact of the acids with your tooth enamel.

5. Never grind your teeth.

Habits such as clenching your teeth can endanger teeth and tooth nerve. While the enamel is the strongest material in the body, frequent application of friction through grinding, speeds up wear and tear, damaging your enamel over time. Using mouth guards as often as needed is advisable.

6. Visit your dentist at least every 6 months.

Befriending your dentist has its obvious share of health benefits. A visit every six months is sufficient to make you aware of the condition of your teeth. You can opt to visit your dentist in Columbia, Maryland more frequently, if you often experience discomfort from sensitive teeth.